
5 Ways to Set Up for Success for the last quarter of 2016

Back to school. Soccer. Deadlines. And budgets. 

Sometimes it feels like we're on a constant treadmill and can't seem to get enough space for ourselves. But heading into the last quarter of 2016 means that we need to prepare for success.

In this blog I usually write sales success tips. In truth, as much as we need to stay goal focused and taking massive action, we have to take care of the other areas of our lives, to achieve true success in life. Consider making time for the following during these busy holidays to improve all areas of your life.

Make time for rest. Rest is more than getting 8 hours of sleep. It is giving your body and mind a break from the constant demands that surround you. Recharging your immune system and sharpening your creativity are just some of the benefits that rest provides. During the holidays, activities and travel can override your best intentions to be still. So be intentional and set firm boundaries so that you give your mind and body a chance to recharge.

Journal everyday. Journaling is a powerful tool to relieve stress and strengthen your immune system (yes, it does!) Writing can help you come to terms with a stressful situation , and it frees the mind to find creative solutions. Commit to spending 20 minutes a day writing to more fully enjoy it’s benefits.

Spend time with loved ones. Studies have shown that people who spend time with loved ones live longer. (Did we really need a study for that?) Plus supportive people fuel us to believe that our goals and dreams are achievable! To be most effective, set aside distractions while you are with friends and family this holiday, and really be present with them. As you practice being present with those you love, you may find that spill over into your client relationships, too.

Give to charity. Volunteering and donating money are great ways to spend the holiday. They boost the immune system (especially vounteering), evoke gratitude and make you feel happier. Giving also reminds us that a life spent serving others is the happiest life of all.

Plan for the new year. Remember, in all our holiday party and vacation, we want to be ready to start 2016 with a bang. Planning helps you stay focused, stay motivated and prepare for the unexpected. Whatever system you use, schedule some time setting up your success  for the new year. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect. Get started!

Tell me what you do will do for the holidays to recharge and start the new year. I’d love to hear! Comment in the space below. And don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter. Click here to receive this and other tips to grow your business in your mailbox every week!

I look forward to helping you master your sales and achieve your success in the last quarter of 2016.