
Using The Holidays for Sales Success

In Sales? It's the most wonderful time of the year for Sales Success

How is your December shaping up? Do you typically have sales success or do you coast to the end of the year?

Prospecting and sales success is hard work, and most of us tell ourselves that trying to call people during the holidays is a waste of time. Why? Because we believe everyone is on vacation and no one is answering their phones.

If you intend to hit the ground running in 2018, you have to be more proactive than everyone else. Make a plan to start conversations while everyone else is recovering from too much holiday cheer.

To help you, I've looked at 3 great sales professionals to get you some advice to end this year with a bang! and get ahead of your competition in 2018.

Sales Gravy's Jeb Blount says: Have conversations!

Click to get Jeb's book

December is a tough time to get prospects to move forward because they like to hold off on purchases until next year. However, 2017 was a good year for most companies and many retailers have had great success literally a matter of days ago! ...

"Adobe Analytics reported that American consumers spent $19.62 billion online over the five-day period from Nov. 23, 2017 (Thanksgiving) through Nov. 27 (Cyber Monday). This was $2.6 billion and 15 percent more than they spent during the same timeframe last year". Source:

Many of them are sitting on cash that they can spend or pay taxes on. Savvy sales people go into their database and make a list. They then initiate conversations with their clients about how they can use the cash they are holding now to buy products that they can use next year and reduce their overall tax burden. 


Mark "The Sales" Hunter says: Now is the time to speed up!

Click to get Mark's book

Perfect time to make phone calls to talk to people you usually can't talk to. People are relaxed and will make time to talk to you. This is a great way to create relationships that will make for opportunities in the new year.

Caryn Kopp supports this idea with "5 reasons calling in December can open doors for you in January"

Click to get Caryn's book

Companies have fewer internal meetings in December, so Decision Makers are easier to reach! Many assistants are on vacation leaving the decision makers to answer their phones. The decision makers who are in the office are often more relaxed and chatty especially because they don't have to deal with cold callers the entire year. You can request a meeting early next year, when the decision maker's calendar has more availability. Your competitors are not doing this. You have a much better chance of talking to the right person!

If you are looking to break into a new market, or simply looking for more sales success, plan your holidays for productive conversations. Use these tips to set up success for next year!

Do you need some guidance? Speak to Sales Coach Anna Scheller free in a 30 minute consultation