

3 Selling Tips That I Learned from Taekwondo

You may be good at sales, but don’t you want to get better? I’m good at Taekwondo, but I want to get better! To become a superstar in sales, apply these 3 selling tips.

Anna Scheller

January 1, 2018


How to Create Powerful Goals in 5 Simple Steps

Ever heard the saying, "If you shoot at nothing, you'll hit it every time?" Makes sense, right? Ironically, we do not get what we want in life for the same reason! Dreaming about something, someday lacks power to kick us out of our comfort zone, and realize our dreams. How do we set ourselves up to shoot at what we want with power to achieve it.

Anna Scheller

January 1, 2018


The most valuable skill to influence others.

In sales, we want to influence people to help them solve their problems. The best way to help people is often counter intuitive for most folks starting out in sales. Watch this Facebook video to see what I mean.

Anna Scheller

January 1, 2018


7 Reasons You Are Not Achieving Your Goals

When I got started in business, I expected to be successful by reading the books and going to seminars. But 9 years later, working late into the night, I realized I needed to change some things to have the success I was seeking. Here are 7 lessons I learned that you may find helpful...

Anna Scheller

January 1, 2018


Great Sales Tips from Twitter

I wanted to put out some great information for you this week. It seemed like a challenge, until I realized how many great folks post short, thoughtful sayings on Twitter. So I thought I'd find the ones that really resonated with me and share them with you!

Anna Scheller

January 1, 2018